Saturday, November 19, 2011

Searching in integer Arrays in postgres

SELECT * FROM sal_emp WHERE 10000 = ANY (pay_by_quarter);
In addition, you can find rows where the array has all values equal to 10000 with:

SELECT * FROM sal_emp WHERE 10000 = ALL (pay_by_quarter);
Alter natively, the generate_subscripts function can be used. For example
   (SELECT pay_by_quarter,
           generate_subscripts(pay_by_quarter, 1) AS s
      FROM sal_emp) AS foo
 WHERE pay_by_quarter[s] = 10000;
Real time example:
contactids, companyids,added_by_search_contactids,added_by_search_companyids => integer array  
1. SELECT * FROM  (SELECT contactids,generate_subscripts(contactids, 1) AS s 
   FROM lists limit 50000 ) AS foo 
   WHERE contactids[s]  IN (select id from contacts where current_details_id IS NULL); 

2. UPDATE lists SET contactids = coalesce(contactids,ARRAY[]::INT[]) - coalesce(ARRAY(select id 
   from contacts where current_details_id IS NULL),ARRAY[]::INT[]),
   added_by_search_contactids = coalesce(added_by_search_contactids,ARRAY[]::INT[]) - 
   coalesce(ARRAY(select id from contacts where current_details_id IS NULL),ARRAY[]::INT[]),
   companyids = coalesce(companyids,ARRAY[]::INT[]) - coalesce(ARRAY(select id from
   companies where current_details_id IS NULL),ARRAY[]::INT[]),
   added_by_search_companyids = coalesce(added_by_search_companyids,ARRAY[]::INT[]) - 
   coalesce(ARRAY(select id from companies where current_details_id IS NULL),ARRAY[]::INT[]) 
   WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM (SELECT id,contactids,generate_subscripts(contactids, 1)AS s FROM lists
   WHERE current_step >= 4 AND folder_id IS NOT NULL and is_deleted IS FALSE LIMIT 20000 OFFSET 80000) AS foo 
   WHERE contactids[s] = ANY(select id from contacts where current_details_id IS NULL) UNION SELECT id 
   FROM (SELECT id,added_by_search_contactids,generate_subscripts(added_by_search_contactids, 1)AS s FROM lists WHERE 
   current_step >= 4 AND folder_id IS NOT NULL and is_deleted IS FALSE LIMIT 20000 OFFSET 80000) AS foo 
   WHERE added_by_search_contactids[s] = ANY(select id from contacts where current_details_id IS NULL) 
   UNION SELECT id FROM (SELECT id,companyids,generate_subscripts(companyids, 1)AS s FROM lists 
   WHERE current_step >= 4 AND folder_id IS NOT NULL and is_deleted IS FALSE LIMIT 20000 OFFSET 80000) AS foo WHERE 
   companyids[s] = ANY(select id from companies where current_details_id IS NULL) UNION SELECT id FROM 
   (SELECT id,added_by_search_companyids,generate_subscripts(added_by_search_companyids, 1)AS s FROM lists 
   WHERE current_step >= 4 AND folder_id IS NOT NULL and is_deleted IS FALSE LIMIT 20000 OFFSET 80000) AS foo 
   WHERE added_by_search_companyids[s] = ANY(select id from companies where current_details_id IS NULL)) 

More information here
If you have  any quires please post your comments here.

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